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6 Simple and rewarding projects for you in Sarah Ashford's new book
In between those bigger projects I love to get my hands working on some simple but rewarding quilt projects, so when Sarah Ashford...

How to press your fabric and avoid neck pain! Less heating pad time equals more sewing time!
I’ve said it a thousand times, Quilting can be a real pain in the neck! Guess what, so can pressing. It doesn’t take long to notice if...

How to improve your posture with these simple chest exercises
We stitch, we read, we type, some crochet, and some knit. Our arms and shoulders are in the same position for all of these activities....

Free Block of the Month Program "Sew Grateful for 2021"
Free block of the month program for your guild or shop!

My Top 10 Tips to a Better Zoom Call and the Opportunity to Help Researchers at Stanford University.
Healthy homemade lunches, no commute, and being able to sleep in a little longer, who would want to give that up? Many employees may...
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