Quilters are creative and generous souls who not only love making quilts, but also sharing them with others. From time to time there are events in this world that we want to reach out to immediatly. often these quilts have a more local meaning to you. Here are a few ideas of places in Canada that appreciate your hard work all year long, they have so many individuals deserving a quilt to thank them, respect them and love them. These charitable organizations are thrilled to pass along your handmade quilts to children and adults who could use a gift made with love. Please use only new cotton fabrics of the highest quality. The quilt/blanket standards must reflect the level of gratitude that we want to demonstrate to the recipient. Fabric appropriate to the intended recipient without any specific team logos, religious affiliations which keep all quilts available for all Canadians. While some groups accept quilt tops, remember that when you give a completed quilt it speeds delivery to its new owner. There are many amazing groups out there, here are six of them. Email me to add your area's quilt donation needs. rose@healthyquilting.com

Through a nation-wide collective effort of volunteers, quilters from across Canada craft full-sized blankets that are then sent to survivors of the Residential School System and survivors of other trauma. Their efforts are backed by generous donations that support costs of logistics and materials.
These quilts are a symbol of support, respect, and love.

Touch Quilt Project - Touching and rubbing fabrics that have different textures helps to reduce stress and anxiety common in the daily lives of people with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia. The squares in the quilts vary in texture and colour and offer comfort and tactile stimulation. They are made up of fabrics with different textures (satin, corduroy, flannel, polar fleece, etc.), the purpose being to provide sensory stimulation by feeling the different textures, as well as feeling the warmth of the blanket and enjoying the beauty of the quilt. Quilts kits that contain 36 or 25 pre-cut 6” squares for you to use to make your quilt are available from our offices. If using your own fabric, please keep in mind that Touch Quilts should have a variety of textures and fabrics.

Comfort Quilt Program – Each child who visits Ronald MacDonald House has an opportunity to choose one quilt from a collection of beautiful handmade quilts that they can keep and take home. These quilts have been generously provided by individuals and/or groups.
Sizes – all sizes needed and appreciated

Project Linus is one of the most well-known charity groups for quilters. Since 1995, they have donated over 6 million quilts worldwide. Project Linus welcomes blankets of all styles, including quilts, fleece blankets, crocheted or knitted afghans and receiving blankets. Blankets must be handmade, new, and washable. Please use only new child-friendly prints and colours when selecting fabrics and yarns.
Preemie & Newborn: 15" square up to 20" square
Newborn:20" square to 24" square
Infant: 24" square up to 35" square
Toddler: 35" x 45" or approximate
Youth: 40"x 50" or approximate
Tween: 40" x 60" or approximate
Teen: 40" x 65" - 70" + or approximate

Victoria's Quilts Canada (VQC) provides handmade quilts to people living with cancer in Canada. By providing these quilts, they hope to bring physical comfort to those dealing with cancer as well as spiritual comfort in knowing that they are not alone in their struggle.
Note: VQC require a flannel backing
Adult: approximately 50” x 70”
Youth: 40” x 60”
Child: 30” x 50”

Quilts of Valour™ provides comfort and relief to injured Canadian Armed Forces members and Veterans. A Quilt of Valour™ is a Tribute to an injured CAF Member past or present. A Quilt of Valour™ is a "hug from the nation" to an injured CAF Member or honoured Veteran who has served and made sacrifices for our country. Quilts of Valour™ can be made by individuals, social groups or quilting bees. A Canadianna theme is a good choice, but definitely not a must. Quilts can be in any colour and pattern , with fabric choices suitable for adults.
Minimum size of 55" by 70", these quilts are for adults, so bigger is better.
Check with your local organizations and see what their needs are. Various groups will have different sizing requirements.
Quilt guilds - are always collecting and distributing quilts to those in need.
Nursing homes - may need lap sized handmade quilts.
Women In Crisis/Shelters - often collect quilts for their residents.
Churches – their outreach teams will know who needs a little love.
Meals on Wheels - appreciate placemats to brighten someones day!
Hospitals - often accept comfort quilts that fit their donation requirements.
Local Humane Society/Animal Shelter - great place for your oops, the dogs don’t care.
Creating and donating quilts is a fun way to engage within your sewing community. Start your own local quilt drive for a cause that's close to your heart or join forces with one of the organizations listed above. Get together with local quilters and sew for a cause. Share your love of sewing with other crazy quilters around you and see how full your heart feels! But you already know that - you're a quilter.
Email me to add a photo from your orginization or your group's information. rose@healthyquilting.com